How Anna Atkins blazed a garden path for women to sneak into science

Anna Atkins may not have been the first woman to ever take a photograph – that honour looks likely to have gone to Constance Fox Talbot in around 1839 – but she is the first woman known to have been a photographer.

ABOUT ANNA ATKINS She was a botanist and photographer, she is seen as possibly the first female photographer. She used to use a technique called 'photographic drawing' and also used the cyanatope process to create 

Anna Atkins przyszła na świat dokładnie 216 lat temu, w roku 1799 jako córka angielskiego uczonego Johna George'a Childrena. Odebrała wykształcenie, o jakim kobiety tamtych czasów mogły tylko marzyć. Być może ojcu, który sam dbał o jej wychowanie 

Often noted as the first person to produce a book of photography, Anna Atkins is being honored today on Google's homepage with a doodle to mark what would have been the famed botanist and photographer's 216th birthday 

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