How America celebrates Pi Day

SAN FRANCISCO – On Friday, millions of people worldwide will celebrate both a mathematical constant and a sweet filling in a wheaten crust. In other words—Pi Day. Pi is the ratio used to compute the circumference, area, and volume of circles. For

The number pi = 3.14159265358979323846 is arguably the only mathematical topic from very early history that is still being researched today. The Babylonians used the approximation pi ≈ 3. The Egyptian Rhind Papyrus, dated to roughly 1650 BCE, 

The personal injury lawyer who just got his ass sued by Judge Judy insists Judy's got her robe in a bunch for no reason — telling TMZ, he wasn't using her image to promote himself he was using it to promote HER.

The number pi = 3.14159265358979323846 is arguably the only mathematical topic from very early history that is still being researched today. The Babylonians used the approximation pi ≈ 3. The Egyptian Rhind Papyrus, dated to roughly 1650 BCE, 

The personal injury lawyer who just got his ass sued by Judge Judy insists Judy's got her robe in a bunch for no reason — telling TMZ, he wasn't using her image to promote himself he was using it to promote HER.