High Schooler Suspended for Inviting Miss America To Prom

The International Boxing Hall of Fame announced today Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri has been named Grand Marshal of the 25th Annual

Eighteen-year-old Patrick Farves said he received three days of in-school suspension Thursday because he asked Nina Davuluri to prom. The senior at Central York High School stood up and popped the prom question, then walked to the stage with a plastic 

WASHINGTON, DC: First Lady Michelle Obama has invited Miss America Nina Davuluri to the White House's upcoming Easter celebration, along with Indian American chef Maneet Chauhan. Nina Davuluri (courtesy of Wikipedia). The main festivity that 

Nina Davuluri Yes, Miss America queen Nina Davuluri is on a mission, talking about the importance of diversity and tolerance, but you have to wonder if a Pennsylvania school's decision to suspend a student because he decided to ask her to prom is a bit 

York, Pennsylvania: A fan of Miss America Nina Davuluri got himself in trouble after asking if she would accompany him on the prom. A student of Pennsylvania high school asked Davuluri if she would come with him to prom during a question and answer