High bidder Steve Ballmer aims to right the Clippers' ship

Former Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer walked away from a meeting with Shelly Sterling as the new owner of the Los Angeles Clippers thanks to a winning bid of $2 billion. “I will be honored to have my name submitted to the NBA Board of

(CNN) — After weeks in limbo, the Los Angeles Clippers could shift hands from an embattled billionaire octogenarian to a former Microsoft CEO. But unlike owner Donald Sterling, whose racist remarks hurled him into a vortex of public criticism, Steve

(CNN) — Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has signed a binding agreement to buy the Los Angeles Clippers for $2 billion from the Sterling family trust, a source familiar with the situation told CNN on Thursday night. A second source, who was familiar

It appears former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer will win the Clippers sweepstakes after his reported $2 billion offer topped the rest, though the sale has yet to be finalized and still must be approved by Sterling and then vetted by NBA owners. Who

(CNN) — After weeks in limbo, the Los Angeles Clippers could shift hands from an embattled billionaire octogenarian to a former Microsoft CEO. But unlike owner Donald Sterling, whose racist remarks hurled him into a vortex of public criticism, Steve