Here's how far we've come with net neutrality

Today's ruling on net neutrality by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission is being described as a historic and crucial milestone, but a separate decision by the regulatory body today is more meaningful because it addresses the overall problem of 

It's net neutrality eve, putting both Washington and Silicon Valley on collective edge. To some extent. In service to you, I awoke early this morning so that I could tune into a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on 

That's the night that John Oliver's Last Week Tonight hit its stride, and net neutrality broke into the public consciousness — went viral, even. Oliver's pointed explainer on net neutrality and call to arms has been viewed more than eight million

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted 3-2 in favor of adopting Chairman Tom Wheeler's net neutrality plan, establishing the most broad.

Using money from George Soros and liberal foundations that totaled at least $196 million, radical activists finally succeeded in ramming through “net neutrality,” or the idea that all data should be transmitted equally over the Internet. The final push