Heard of Ello? You may want to join this 'anti-Facebook' soon

The fact that Ello is currently invite-only (but getting hold of an invite is not hard) helps to increase intrigue levels, but also create a semi-elitist niche network that will appeal to a certain type of social networker. Ello is currently 

Ello is a new social network that has caught fire with a manifesto telling users that "we believe a social network can be a tool for empowerment. Not a tool to deceive, coerce and manipulate — but a place to connect, create and celebrate life. You are

Founded by Paul Budnitz, Ello is the only social network out there with a manifesto — one that, for the moment, has a kind of punk-rock appeal in the face of Silicon Valley corporate might. The mission statement on their 

Ello caught on with the LGBT community after Facebook recently disabled the accounts of some drag artists who used their performance names on their profiles instead of their “real” names. Ru Paul recently backed the movement. The policy also affects

You've probably seen it pop up in your Facebook feed. Or maybe someone on Twitter linked to their account. The entire internet is alive with talk of Ello, the anti-Facebook social network. An anti-Facebook sounds pretty cool right? But what exactly