HBO Reminds You That HBO Now Works Better When Everyone's Not Trying to …

This is concerning to those who are looking forward to the HBO Now launch this week. HBO is only seven days out to the premiere of their current flagship show, Game of Thrones, and they haven't even released the streaming service to see if it can

With HBO Now, Australians will be able to view their favorite HBO content via their Apple account with just one small adjustment. As has been happening for a while now with the U.S. version of Netflix (which has a much broader range of viewing content

On first look, HBO Now on iOS features an incredibly simple design. Once you set up an account and agree to the terms of service (for those with TouchID, all you need to do is scan your finger to authorize your payment information), the app opens with

HBO Now “If you're the type of person who 'doesn't own a TV,' first of all, never say that. It's not cool; everyone hates you,” Oliver said in the video posted today. “But second of all, you're in luck.” HBO Now, Oliver said, is “a lot like HBO Go

On first look, HBO Now on iOS features an incredibly simple design. Once you set up an account and agree to the terms of service (for those with TouchID, all you need to do is scan your finger to authorize your payment information), the app opens with