Happy Tax Day: RNC files lawsuit against IRS for 'illegal stonewalling' of …

Usually, the Internal Revenue Service is the one getting paid this time of year, but Uncle Sam will be lining someone else's pockets this tax season because of its attachment to Windows XP. In case you hadn't heard, support 

There's no sign the same thing has happened at the IRS. But with so many people filing taxes via big tax preparers and local independent accountants, there's cause for concern. The nation's largest tax preparers say they dodged the bullet. Intuit (INTU

If the fear of an audit wasn't enough to scare you into being honest on your taxes, try this on for size: the IRS might be checking out your Facebook page. The good ol' Internal Revenue Service is reportedly using robots to 

There's no sign the same thing has happened at the IRS. But with so many people filing taxes via big tax preparers and local independent accountants, there's cause for concern. The nation's largest tax preparers say they dodged the bullet. Intuit (INTU

The New IRS is a project that lets you tell the U.S. how you'd like your tax dollars to be spent. Using an interactive tool on its website, you can create your "personal allocation plan," using color-coded sliders to adjust where