Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Hoist the main sails, shiver me timbers and Roger the cabin boy for for today is Talk Like A Pirate Day. But while once upon a time, the high seas were full of natural born thrillers like Robert Newton and Erroll Flynn, today they let any land loving

Talk Like A Pirate. Four-year-old Connor Halverson, in full pirate gear, smiles as he eats his free glazed doughnut at the Beaverton Krispy Kreme on International Talk Like a Pirate Day last year. (Anna Marum/Beaverton 

Talk Like A Pirate Day: 25 chat-up lines to find your perfect shipmate Looking for love on Talk Like A Pirate Day? Look no further than these killer chat up lines (Picture: daboost). It is only natural that on International Talk Like A Pirate Day that

Arrr ye ready for International Talk Like a Pirate Day? The most swashbuckling holiday of the year will take place on Friday, and there are plenty of ways for privateers to partake in the spirited celebration. The designated day of pirate vernacular

me timbers and feast yer eyes upon our grand booty. It's a doughnut booty. This Friday, September 19th, Krispy Kreme is offering free doughnuts to guests participating in our favorite holiday, National Talk Like A Pirate Day.