Happy Pi Day! It's also Albert Einstein's birthday.

And that makes it Pi Day — the day where math nerds across the country gather to eat pie and discuss the importance of numbers. But did you know it's also Albert Einstein's birthday? The theoretical physicist whose name has become synonymous with

As the world celebrates Pi Day on Friday, a movement is growing that claims pi — or 3.14, the ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumference — is wrong. MORE: World celebrates 3.14. The Tau Day movement supporters — also known as Tauists — say

Tomorrow, 3/14, is Pi Day in the USA (it will not be Pi Day in the rest of the world until the Martian Emperor subjugates us all to his sinister 14-month calendar). In celebration, Thingiverse user Thor4231 posted this great 

As the world celebrates Pi Day on Friday, a movement is growing that claims pi — or 3.14, the ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumference — is wrong. MORE: World celebrates 3.14. The Tau Day movement supporters — also known as Tauists — say

Oh, right, don't forget to get your official Pi Day t-shirt, designed by Chris Hardwick and Her Universe, sold exclusively through Hot Topic stores and online retailers: Pi Day tee – 3. And enter our Pi Day contest for a chance to