Happy Birthday, Stephen Hawking! Famed Scientist Turns 73 Today

Stephen Hawking created some of the most revolutionary ideas in science, but he's very conservative with his communication tech — right down to the "copyrighted" electronic American accent. He has worked with Intel sinceĀ 

The Golden Globe-nominated drama, starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones, took $5.7 million in its opening weekend, according to figures released Tuesday by Rentrak. The Imitation Game, considered The Theory of Everything's closest British rival as 

Professor Stephen Hawking, subject of the highly acclaimed biopic The Theory of Everything, has revealed that he wouldn't be averse to appearing on the big screen himself.

He's already appeared in The Simpsons and Star Trek but Stephen Hawking says there's one role that would be perfect for him: a James Bond villain. The legendary astrophysicist made the comments

His Facebook page and his personal websites are filled with photos of Epstein mugging with Stephen Hawking, fractal geometry inventor Benoit Mandelbrot, and artificial-intelligence guru Marvin Minsky, to name a few. Another big scientific brain