Happy Birthday, Rosa Parks! 5 facts about iconic leader

Those who have not studied American history carefully enough probably thought I was going to type about civil-rights activist, Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, Congressional Gold Medal recipient and NAACP Spingarn Medal recipient Rosa Parks, 

SACRAMENTO – 16th Annual California Rosa Parks Day Celebration is scheduled for Monday, February 8 at the California State Capitol. The late civil rights icon Rosa Parks is known globally for helping to spark change in the Jim Crow South by refusing to 

Adding poignancy to Black History Month, today marks the birthday in 1913 of Rosa Parks, a community activist who became a symbol of the fight for civil equality. Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus to a

Have you ever heard of Viola Desmond? I hadn't until a book about her arrived on my desk. She was essentially the Rosa Parks of Canada, a black woman who refused to leave her seat in a white section of a theatre in Nova Scotia, just as Parks refused to 

Adding poignancy to Black History Month, today marks the birthday in 1913 of Rosa Parks, a community activist who became a symbol of the fight for civil equality. Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus to a