Greeley earthquake possibly 'natural,' scientist says

The earthquake that took place at 7:36am PDT originated from the Santa Monica Mountains, some 4 miles (6.4km) northwest of Westwood, was reported to be shallow, yet caused two aftershocks. #earthquake again. Why can't the earth just stop partying.

The earthquake that took place at 7:36am PDT originated from the Santa Monica Mountains, some 4 miles (6.4km) northwest of Westwood, was reported to be shallow, yet caused two aftershocks. #earthquake again. Why can't the earth just stop partying.

The earthquake that took place at 7:36am PDT originated from the Santa Monica Mountains, some 4 miles (6.4km) northwest of Westwood, was reported to be shallow, yet caused two aftershocks. #earthquake again. Why can't the earth just stop partying.

The Greeley earthquake that hit 3.4 on the Richter scale on Saturday night could very well be a natural phenomenon, although extremely rare for the area, seismologists say. The quake originated about 5 miles beneath the city but was felt in Evans

Nigel Farage has unleashed his much-promised political earthquake across British politics as Ukip stormed to victory in the European elections, performing powerfully across the country. The Eurosceptic party's victory marked