Gossip column: Messi, Hummels, De Gea, Drogba & Balotelli

The BBC's former Sri Lanka correspondent, Charles Haviland, says Mr Sirisena has nothing of the president's jovial, folksy charisma. But it is he who has the momentum and a government hitherto seen as impregnable seems to be floundering, our 

Barcelona playmaker Lionel Messi, 27, is ready to listen if Chelsea or Manchester City offer a staggering £500m package for him to quit the La Liga giants this summer. (Sun – subscription required). Manchester United are set to launch a £35m bid for

Beyond a mesh of barbed wire, patrolling guards and security cameras, the Clink serves up Michelin-style cuisine and helps inmates prepare for life beyond the prison walls.

Feelings of guilt can make a temptations feel even more seductive. So could we be healthier if we just embraced a little bit of vice, asks David Robson.

Feelings of guilt can make a temptations feel even more seductive. So could we be healthier if we just embraced a little bit of vice, asks David Robson.