Gossip column: Ben Arfa, Crouch, Alli, Isco, Cavani, Lennon

Out film actor Ben Whishaw has been cast as the lead in an upcoming BBC spy drama 'London Spy'.

The BBC's strict rules mean today it's unable to say anything interesting about the referendum.

Under the terms of the world record attempt, she was allowed to take a five-minute break for every 60 minutes she was on screen. After she finished her mammoth presenting stint, her colleague told the BBC that Ms Gjengedal planned to "go out for a beer".

Justin Rowlatt is down at the Bank of England for BBC Radio 4's Today programme: He says the lights are on and staff are busy working inside. Although perhaps not quite as frantically as if Scotland was looking on course to vote Yes in the referendum.

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said there were about 100 people in each of the two groups, and although there had been some "minor disorder" it had been dealt with quickly by offices. BBC Scotland reporter Cameron Buttle, who was at the scene, said