GOP operatives to pitch Ben Carson on Florida Senate run

In a Morning Consult poll released Monday, 11 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning independent voters thought Donald Trump should choose Carson as his vice president, should he score the presidential nomination. Ten facts you should know 

It's good to be back above Mort then and. I want to thank all of the supporters all the people who. Have continued to work so incredibly hard. In this endeavor. You know this was. As you know not something that was on my bucket list of things from them

It's good to be back above Mort then and. I want to thank all of the supporters all the people who. Have continued to work so incredibly hard. In this endeavor. You know this was. As you know not something that was on my bucket list of things from them

In a Morning Consult poll released Monday, 11 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning independent voters thought Donald Trump should choose Carson as his vice president, should he score the presidential nomination. Ten facts you should know 

It's good to be back above Mort then and. I want to thank all of the supporters all the people who. Have continued to work so incredibly hard. In this endeavor. You know this was. As you know not something that was on my bucket list of things from them