Google's Latest Doodle Pays Tribute to Photography Pioneer Anna Atkins

Anna Atkins Algae. Glasgow dam, The entire collection cared for by glasgow museums is a recognised collection of national significance to scotland. Krill oil – ? – alternative, Krill oil, the oil that's found naturally in krill, 

ANNA ATKINS, CHI E' LA BOTANICA E FOTOGRAFA INGLESE (OGGI, 16 MARZO 2015) – Anna Atkins è stata una botanica inglese e un'apprezzata fotografa di cui ricorre oggi il 216esimo anniversario della nascita. Originaria della cittadina di TonBridge, 

Visitors to Google today are being treated to a Doodle logo replacement that pays tribute to photography pioneer Anna Atkins. Atkins was born 216 years ago today, and in her life she became one of the first — if not the first — women to create a

El gigante de Internet, Google, homanejea a la botánica inglesa Anna Atkins, catalogada como la primera mujer fotógrafa de la historia, a quien también se le atribuye haber publicado el primer libro de fotografías mediante un proceso de impresión 

Anna Atkins may not have been the first woman to ever take a photograph – that honour looks likely to have gone to Constance Fox Talbot in around 1839 – but she is the first woman known to have been a photographer.