Google to Buy Nest Labs for $3.2 Billion

The film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest played on television one day and, enjoying the irony, we patients watched it in our housing unit's common room, laughing frequently with self-awareness. Hoping to share the joke, I told the doctor about it when

Surprise! Google just announced it has acquired the home automation startup, Nest, for $3.2 billion.

I recently met a four-star general. He one of the most interesting people I've ever met, but instead of talking about himself he took a sincere interest in everyone around him. A self-described “econ-nerd”, he asked me many questions about my work

According to at least one report, Google was the only serious bidder for Nest. That's not too surprising on the Microsoft side of the house, given the company's home-automation strategy seems to be centering on the server and/or console side of things.

Nest, which was started in 2010 by Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers, two former iPhone and iPod engineers at Apple, will continue to operate independently under its own brand, and Mr. Fadell, Nest's chief executive, will report to Larry Page, co-founder and