Google Drive now lets you edit Microsoft Office attachments right from Gmail

Google sprinkled in the ability to edit Microsoft Office files in Drive a while back, but the folks in Mountain View are always looking to help improve that workflow. When a colleague sends a non-Google file as an attachment, 

Google sprinkled in the ability to edit Microsoft Office files in Drive a while back, but the folks in Mountain View are always looking to help improve that workflow. When a colleague sends a non-Google file as an attachment, 

Google sprinkled in the ability to edit Microsoft Office files in Drive a while back, but the folks in Mountain View are always looking to help improve that workflow. When a colleague sends a non-Google file as an attachment, 

A new state law that will allow undocumented individuals to receive a Connecticut driver's license will go into effect Jan 2. But those interested can already get a jump start on the process: starting this past Monday, Dec. 1, those interested in

It's hard to believe that we used to store our computer files on floppy disks. But these days everything is in the cloud and accessible from virtually every device. Of course, not all cloud platforms are created equal. The key is to make sure that you