Google Drive and Docs are down for some users, company is investigating

Having issues connecting to Google Drive today? Don't fret — it's not your internet, so don't go on a customer service shout fest with your service provider. It's actually an issue on Google's end. While the company hasn't detailed the issue, they

and calling for help in the case of crash. Those same functions actually translate well to coaching new drivers to drive smoother by keeping track of hard acceleration and braking, as well as staying within the speed limit.

The downside to cloud services is that they're of absolutely no use when they're not available. Today Google Docs, Drive, Sheets, and Slides have all been unavailable for some of the people that have come to depend on 

DALLAS, Texas- A horrific accident takes the life of a 12-year-old boy in Texas. Lewisville police say the driver was a 16-year-old, who was learning to drive. Eric Lozano was a 7th grader who loved to play sports and ride his skateboard. According to

But in May, Google unveiled its first “purpose-built” self-driving vehicle — looking a little like a cartoon car ,with no steering wheel or pedals — and videotaped some volunteers taking an unaccompanied ride. In “A First Drive,” which you can find