Golden Globes 2016: EW review

That coveted Oscar may still elude Leonardo DiCaprio, but the actor is frequently a favorite to win at the Golden Globes. This Sunday was no exception, and riding high on his presumptive win, DiCaprio was in exuberant spirits all night. One of his

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet each nabbed Golden Globes on Sunday: one for a grisly turn in The Revenant and the other for her work in Steve Jobs. But as far as the Internet is concerned, the real win had nothing to do with a pair of golden

Midway through the Golden Globes, Ricky Gervais slumped toward the beer that was perched by his microphone and grumbled, “Kill me.” He might as well have been speaking for the rest of us. When was the last time the Globes were this painful to watch?

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet each nabbed Golden Globes on Sunday: one for a grisly turn in The Revenant and the other for her work in Steve Jobs. But as far as the Internet is concerned, the real win had nothing to do with a pair of golden

Midway through the Golden Globes, Ricky Gervais slumped toward the beer that was perched by his microphone and grumbled, “Kill me.” He might as well have been speaking for the rest of us. When was the last time the Globes were this painful to watch?