'Going Clear' Was The Most-Watched HBO Documentary In 9 Years

It's well known that the Church of Scientology takes a “fight fire with fire” approach to people who criticize it, and in the face of the church's damning portrayal in Alex Gibney's documentary “Going Clear,” it took to Twitter to mount its defense

People were shocked by the revelations in “Going Clear,” Alex Gibney's expose about the Church of Scientology that aired on HBO last night. But when it comes to allegations of Scientology's crimes and abuses, the film is 

It's no secret that Tom Cruise is a notable Scientologist, but a few revelations in the HBO documentary “Going Clear,” which premiered Sunday, must be hard for fans to stomach. Allegations that the actor allowed his children to be turned against his

People were shocked by the revelations in “Going Clear,” Alex Gibney's expose about the Church of Scientology that aired on HBO last night. But when it comes to allegations of Scientology's crimes and abuses, the film is 

Film Festival was Going Clear, the new documentary from Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney (Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, Taxi to the Dark Side) and Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Lawrence Wright, the author of the book of the same name.