Get ready for lawsuits over net neutrality

Net neutrality won today, in an 3-2 vote by the FCC today. Yay! But not everyone is happy. In just about the most innovative thing the company has ever done, Verizon put out a press release in Morse code, copied here for 

AppleInsider podcast discusses Apple's March 9 event, net neutrality, Pebble Time & more. By Stephen Robles Friday, February 27, 2015, 05:31 am PT (08:31 am ET). The latest AppleInsider podcast is now available to download and 

Net Neutrality is "a solution that won't work to a problem that doesn't exist," says Ajit Pai, a commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Pai is an oustpoken opponent of expanding government control of 

A wonky bit of tech policy called “net neutrality” has been making the headlines this week as government regulators voted to expand their authority over the Internet. Opposed by the telecoms but championed by consumer advocates, the new rules give the 

Net neutrality won today, in an 3-2 vote by the FCC today. Yay! But not everyone is happy. In just about the most innovative thing the company has ever done, Verizon put out a press release in Morse code, copied here for