Get ready for El Chapo-brand jewelry and more

The video authorities sent to news outlets narrates with great detail how "El Chapo" escaped from prison last July from the El Altiplano maximum security prison in Almoloya de Juarez. It shows pictures inside the house used by associates and images of

On Sunday morning, a fake news site that looks almost identical to ABC News' site reported that Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán escaped from Altiplano, the maximum security prison he was returned to three weeks ago. The news sent many into a frenzy, 

On Sunday morning, a fake news site that looks almost identical to ABC News' site reported that Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán escaped from Altiplano, the maximum security prison he was returned to three weeks ago. The news sent many into a frenzy, 

A soldier keeps watch outside the house where five people were shot dead during an operation to recapture the world's top drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman earlier this month. (Reuters/Edgard Garrido) 

Obama Signs Executive Order Limiting US Gun Owners to Three Guns.” (He didn't do that.) The article itself is also, erm, of dubious character. At one point, it randomly hawks a woman's sock-based charity website. So relax, everyone! El Chapo's