From the kids, happy Mother's Day, Mom

No matter how opposed one may be to commercialized holidays, the fact remains that Sunday, May 10 is a day that most mothers will hope for a bit of acknowledgment and a day that husbands and children really really 

By those standards, none of these songs are perfect, but they're all at least very good at paying homage to Mom as we slide into Mother's Day. It's probably not the definitive list – you could argue that others, such as Merle 

No matter how opposed one may be to commercialized holidays, the fact remains that Sunday, May 10 is a day that most mothers will hope for a bit of acknowledgment and a day that husbands and children really really 

A mother's support can be as vital to animals as it is to humans. Across the vast diversity of life on our planet, the care of a mother makes survival itself possible. Indeed, the instinct for mothers to protect and nurture offspring is rooted in more

A mother's support can be as vital to animals as it is to humans. Across the vast diversity of life on our planet, the care of a mother makes survival itself possible. Indeed, the instinct for mothers to protect and nurture offspring is rooted in more