Freedom To NOT Celebrate Independence Day

Independence Day Parade: Friday, July 4, 11 a.m. Parade starts at 6th and Chestnut Streets. More than 5,000 participants will take to the streets of Historic Philadelphia for a patriotic and colorful parade featuring marching 

On July 4th, the United States will celebrate Independence Day once again. But who in the world are we trying to kid? Our founders intended to create a society where freedom and liberty would be maximized, but that is not 

As such, purely for fun and educational purposes, let's run down the top 13 blockbusters to drop on Independence Day weekend, adjusted for domestic inflation (courtesy of Box Office Mojo) for reasons that will become obvious at the end. Image and video 

Independence, plus two days. Something else worth remembering did happen on July 4: both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, two of the founding fathers who had signed the declaration, died on that day—a few hours apart from one another, in 1826.

With Independence Day celebrations well underway, Grand Theft Auto Online is back with a slew of new vehicles, weapons, articles of clothing and jobs that are so star-spangled awesome that the only thing you'll be able to