Fracking at the palace, One Direction haircuts and UN peacekeepers in Scotland …

This year, all the usual brand suspects are joined by a host of tech companies and startups in trying to throw you for a loop—a near impossibility these days. And in an odd move, American Eagle Outfitters pranked us an entire week early. Stay tuned

Become a Pokemon master with Google Maps: Google got a head start on April Fools' Day on Monday, revealing a new job opening: Pokemon master. To win the job, you have to win the challenge: Catch all the hidden Pokemon in the latest version of 

This year, all the usual brand suspects are joined by a host of tech companies and startups in trying to throw you for a loop—a near impossibility these days. And in an odd move, American Eagle Outfitters pranked us an entire week early. Stay tuned

April Fools' Day jokes are by and large disappointing — Google aside — but there is some hope outside of Mountain View.

Today is April Fool's Day. The day you trust no one and don't believe everything you read. Except this post. We're channeling our inner buzzkill and completely ruining everyone's gags so you don't make a fool of yourself.