For First Time, Kremlin Signals It Is Prepared to Annex Crimea

Russian President Vladimir Putin is justifying intervention in Crimea partly by claiming that the Ukraine government is illegitimate and has no right to say whether Crimea can decide for itself whether it should secede. But he's got it backward

These are just some tales from the field in Crimea, the embattled Ukrainian peninsula that's at the heart of the struggle between Moscow, Kiev and the West. As the world watches a region on the brink of war, stories of harassment and internal pressures

Ukraine's statement at the UN that '16000 Russian soldiers had been deployed' across Crimea sparked a MSM feeding frenzy that steadfastly ignored any hard facts that got in their way.

The Crimean parliament and Sevastopol's city council have voted in favor of joining Russia. The decision will only come in force if it is approved by the Crimeans at a referendum which will be held in 10 days. Crimean MPsĀ 

Ukraine's statement at the UN that '16000 Russian soldiers had been deployed' across Crimea sparked a MSM feeding frenzy that steadfastly ignored any hard facts that got in their way.