Folkestone prankster Sam Pepper sends Twitter and YouTube in frenzy over …

Former Big Brother housemate Sam Pepper — who is essentially the mind of Jay from The Inbetweeners in the body of Will from The Inbetweeners — has stirred up controversy with his latest entirely-without-a-point YouTube video. Sam — who somehow 

Sam Pepper has provoked a strongly negative response from the YouTube community by releasing a video titled 'Fake Hand Ass Pinch Prank'. The video, which has since been taken down by YouTube, showed Sam 

Sam Pepper, the YouTuber who posts videos in which he sexually assaults women, has been under fire this week for, you know, sexually assaulting women on camera. Many women have also stepped forward to discuss their personal experiences with 

Sam Pepper Threatens Laci Green; Another Victim Comes Forward. Another victim came forward but decided to remain anonymous. Trigger warnings for mentions of abuse/rape/sexual assault.

Turns out, Sam Pepper's three-part video series, charmingly titled 'Fake Hand Ass Pinch Prank', wasn't an attempt for him and a female actress to 'indecently assault' as many random people in the street as possible, as his critics on Twitter asserted.