Florida father beats accused child abuser Raymond Frolander unconscious

A Florida father who came to walk into Raymond Frolander, 18 sexually molesting his 11 year old son came to dole his special brand of justice prior to calling cops on the man who he told cops he had left in a 'bloody puddle.'.

18-year-old Florida native, Raymond Frolander, was found to be unconscious and bleeding from the mouth when police arrived to the scene. When asked by officers if any weapons were involved the unidentified father replied “my foot and my fist.” “I didn

18-year-old Florida native, Raymond Frolander, was found to be unconscious and bleeding from the mouth when police arrived to the scene. When asked by officers if any weapons were involved the unidentified father replied “my foot and my fist.” “I didn

Raymond Frolander was found with several knots on his face and bleeding from the mouth after he allegedly sexually abused a child. A Florida dad who told police he walked in on a man sexually abusing his child, left the suspect motionless and bleeding 

The boy's father told officers that he came home to find a neighbor, Raymond Frolander, in the act of molesting his son when he attacked him, according to the Daytona Beach Police Department arrest report. “I just walked in