Flight 370: Storm of emotions over lives 'lost' as storm at sea delays search

(CNN) — Monday's announcement by Malaysia's Prime Minister acknowledging that missing Flight 370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean opens the door to a big question: How did new number crunching confirm the Boeing 777's path? Now we know for sure

(CNN) — Monday's announcement by Malaysia's Prime Minister acknowledging that missing Flight 370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean opens the door to a big question: How did new number crunching confirm the Boeing 777's path? Now we know for sure

But an officer of the Navy Seventh Fleet stressed that the move was a precaution, in case wreckage from the missing plane is found. “This movement is simply a prudent effort to pre-position equipment and trained personnel closer to the search area so

As the world continues to be puzzled and enthralled by the location and disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Courtney Love has weighed in with her theory of what happened to the plane that went missing on March 

A cabin crew of the Vietnam Air Force is seen onboard a flying AN-26 Soviet made aircraft during a search operation for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 plane over the southern sea between Vietnam and Malaysia