Flight 370: Pilots Desperately Tried To Land In Maldives After Cockpit Fire?

Malaysia's acting transport minister on Wednesday dismissed as untrue reports that people in Maldives may have spotted the the missing Malaysia Airlines plane that vanished on March 8. Earlier, in a statement released late on Tuesday, police said they 

As residents of the Maldives reported seeing a 'low-flying jumbo jet' on March 18, a new theory suggests that flames ripped through the Malaysia Airlines plane's cockpit, forcing the pilots to try to make an emergency land near 

NEW DELHI: Police in the Maldives are probing reports that islanders in the tourism paradise saw a "low-flying jumbo jet" on the day the missing Malaysia Airlines plane vanished. In a statement released late Tuesday, police said they were investigating

Maldives eyewitnesses reportedly saw a “low flying jumbo jet” at around 6:15 a.m. on March 8, the day the Malaysian airliners disappeared, The Telegraph reported on Tuesday. It was also flying north to south-east, witnesses told The Haveeru news 

Still, the Maldives news is of particular note since earlier today, Haaveru Online, quoted locals who said they had seen a "low flying jet" whose description is approximate to what flight MH370 looked like. From the source:.