Flags and Fireworks: America Celebrates Fourth of July

Find out more about the history of July 4th, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. Get all the facts on HISTORY.com.

For the capital of a country well into its third century, Washington showed Friday that it still knows how to put on a national birthday party, with a festive morning-to-night schedule of parades, ceremonies and concerts capped off after dark with a

Find out more about the history of July 4th, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. Get all the facts on HISTORY.com.

President Obama will be spending Independence Day doing what many Americans will be doing: enjoying barbecue and watching fireworks. But before hosting military families at a White House Fourth of July celebration, the president will take part in a 

Be a Patriot: Rewatch Independence Day This Fourth of July Weekend. It is America's birthday party and you should probably be standing in a backyard, eating a hot dog and drinking a shandy, looking at a flag if not actively