Flag Day is Sunday: How to properly display the Stars and Stripes

In the late 19th century, schoolteachers all over the United States began conducting patriotic ceremonies commemorating Flag Day as a way to teach children about history. One such schoolteacher, Bernard J. Cigrand, is often referred to as the “Father

On National Flag Day, Americans show respect for the U.S. Flag and what it represents. Our independence and unity as a nation is represented by our flag. The flag has become a powerful symbol of Americanism and is flown 

“What we did today was to release 50 balloons red, white, and blue with a tag on them to ask the finder of the balloon to tell us where they are flying their flag for Flag Day,” said Charlie Spano, chairman of the 9/11 Memorial 

“What we did today was to release 50 balloons red, white, and blue with a tag on them to ask the finder of the balloon to tell us where they are flying their flag for Flag Day,” said Charlie Spano, chairman of the 9/11 Memorial 

"I think Buffalo Grove has a unique ceremony," said Democratic state Rep. Elaine Nekritz of Northbrook. "It speaks highly of the community." All ages were encouraged to attend the event, which honored all branches of the military. What does the