Flag Day Facts

Americans observe Flag Day each year on June 14, the day when the Continental Congress first issued the U.S. Flag in 1777. This year's Flag Day is extra special because 2014 also the 200th anniversary year of The Star-Spangled Banner, our national 

A review of the history of Flag Day and its importance in the United States.

The POTUS and FLOTUS went up to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota and South Dakota yesterday, where they partook in cultural celebrations and chatted with tribal youth and others about growing upĀ 

The Stars and Stripes will soar in many locations Saturday, Flag Day. "I want to see it all the time," said John Tice, executive director of Liberty Bell Memorial Museum in Melbourne. Tice hopes a Flag Day ceremony Saturday at the museum will help to 

Saturday is Flag Day, and the Federal-Postal Coalition has seized upon the annual observance to urge the Office of Personnel Management to issue final regulations for providing flags to the survivors of civil servants who lost their lives on the job