Five things to know about Chris Christie

Negativity toward Christie in the past 18 months has pervaded judgments on Christie as a person (now seen as more bully than trustworthy), his job (no rating crosses the 50-percent mark), and his chances for 2016 (more 

Negativity toward Christie in the past 18 months has pervaded judgments on Christie as a person (now seen as more bully than trustworthy), his job (no rating crosses the 50-percent mark), and his chances for 2016 (more 

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie opened his 2016 campaign for president Tuesday and, never one to aim small, declared he's "out to change the world."

Via The Daily Caller: With New Jersey's Bon Jovi blaring over the speakers, Chris Christie on Tuesday became the 14th Republican to join the race for the White House, vowing to fix the dysfunction of Washington D.C..

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie arrived just hours after officially joining the race. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was in Bedford to address remarks he made about Mexican immigrants when he declared his candidacy. Trump didn't back down from his comments.