First Trailer For The Giver Is Absolutely Filled With Famous People

So this is how you finally make a movie of The Giver after more than 15 years of development hell: By aging up the characters, adding in awesome body-snatching spaceships, and setting the whole thing to a pounding score straight out of the Dystopian YA 

Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Katie Holmes, Alexander Skarsgård and yes, even Taylor Swift are all in the Hollywood adaptation of The Giver, which gives junior high school kids one less book they will actually have to read for 

The official trailer for the highly-anticipated film adaptation of Lois Lowry's beloved dystopian novel, The Giver, made its debut on the Today show Wednesday, March 19 — and it sure does look thrilling. PHOTOS: Meryl Streep and other celebrities in

However, as the millions who have read the wildly popular book can attest, the novel is set in a world comprised of shades of gray (more than 50, thanks). Step aside, "Hunger Games" and "Divergent," because "The Giver" is the O.G. dystopian young adult 

Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Katie Holmes, Alexander Skarsgård and yes, even Taylor Swift are all in the Hollywood adaptation of The Giver, which gives junior high school kids one less book they will actually have to read for