Fire TV: Amazon's Television Set-Top Box Revealed

The ecommerce giant Amazon has delved even further into the hardware space with the launch of a long-rumored streaming media device called the Amazon Fire TV. It said that it has watched these devices sell on its 

So I ordered one of these Amazon Fire TV boxes, because they're available now, with overnight shipping (mine'll be here tomorrow), and the only way you're going to know is if you know, right? It's only $99, and speaking partly as an Amazon Prime user

Amazon has kicked off its arrival to the streaming party with the announcement of new $100 device called Fire TV to satisfy all your TV watching needs today in a popcorn-scented New York event. Here's everything you need 

After announcing its new Fire TV set-top box today, Amazon naturally revealed a content lineup to go along with the $99 streaming device. That includes the new Amazon Video series we've been hearing about and TV shows 

After announcing its new Fire TV set-top box today, Amazon naturally revealed a content lineup to go along with the $99 streaming device. That includes the new Amazon Video series we've been hearing about and TV shows