Fighting fires with the help of Google Glass

I have been using Google Glass for about 2 months now, and about 2 weeks ago I got prescription lenses for the glasses. So in the past two weeks I was wearing Google Glass all the time. There were no stories to write about, 

For all the potential of Google's face-based hardware, we haven't seen many uses beyond the cool and novel that are any more than noble ideas. Not for.

If you and your partner are looking for a little something 'different' for their love life – and both happen to own Google Glass – then boy do we have something for you. “Sex With Glass” is a new app for Google Glass that watches – and records

A married couple watching “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit” in a Columbus, Ohio theater this weekend were the suspects of a government investigation themselves after FBI agents pulled the husband from the theater for wearing a Google Glass and interrogated 

It was bound to happen: A developer claims that he built the first Google Glass app designed for sex. No, not porn — sex. Sex With Glass is designed to let partners share their point of view with each other to "experience sex like never before." The