Ferguson police chief: 911 audio to be released 'shortly'

Ferguson, Mo., police fired tear gas at demonstrators and arrested two reporters as the St. Louis suburb erupted for a fourth night after a police officer fatally shot an unarmed teen Saturday. City officials had asked for calm, but police set up

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson The police chief of Ferguson, Missouri had a stunned response after he learned his officers arrested a pair of reporters who were covering the ongoing protests that began in the city 

A statement issued by the Ferguson police department expressed sympathy over the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown on Saturday, saying "police are working to restore confidence in the safety of our community and our neighborhoods so that we may 

According to Jackson, the Ferguson Police Department as cameras for police cars and officers to wear, but the department does not have the money to install them. Meanwhile, Gawker Media posted what it claims is the dispatcher audio from that day

Protests entered their fifth and most tense day in Ferguson, Missouri in response to a police officer on Saturday fatally shooting 18-year-old Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, and it's hard to look at the photos and believe the scene is in the