Ferguson decision: What witnesses told the grand jury

CNN analyst Mel Robbins read a crucial piece of evidence from the transcript that destroys the lies surrounded the shooting of Michael Brown. In short, there is a trail of blood that proves Michael Brown turned away from 

CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin ripped St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch for asking Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson “softball” questions during the cross examination of his testimony, which she 

(CNN) — [Breaking news update, posted at 10:45 p.m. ET]. A spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department said officers there are allowing people to vent. "We have detained people. We don't have any property damage to speak of. We are letting [the 

Washington (CNN) — Americans are sharply divided along racial lines as to whether Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson should be charged with murder in the shooting death of Michael Brown, a new CNN/ORC poll out Monday finds. Fifty-four percent of 

(CNN) — Did Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson shoot Michael Brown dead as he staggered to the ground, hobbled by gunshot wounds? Or, did the 18-year-old aggressively charge at Wilson even after the officer ordered him to stop? A St. Louis County