Feds: Powdered Alcohol Approved in 'Error'

To be fair, all that advice came from a part of the website that was "experimenting with some humorous and edgy verbiage about Palcohol". It wasn't meant to be public, and it's since been removed. They've also added "volume" to the powder to make

Editor's Note: A spokesman for the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau of the U.S. Treasure Department confirmed the Bureau had approved labels for "Palcohol," but those approvals were issued in error. The approvals "have since been surrendered.

A product called "Palcohol" gained widespread media attention in recent days after it was reported that the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved the powered alcohol, including vodka and rum varieties. But a representative for the federal 

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved Palcohol's powdered vodka, rum, and other cocktails "in error," Tom Hogue, the agency's director of congressional and public affairs, said in an email. The agency has not responded to any further 

The federal government admitted Monday that its recent approval of Palcohol—a powdered alcohol which turns water into vodka and rum—was actually done in “error.” The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau granted Palcohol “label approval” on