FCC Votes 'Yes' on Strongest Net-Neutrality Rules

During Thursday's vote, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler called the telecom industry's bluff over investment, saying that companies will continue to expand despite the new net neutrality rules. Plus, if Comcast wants to merge with Time Warner Cable, a megadeal 

The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is poised to act on a “net neutrality” proposal that will put vital consumer and competitive protections back on the books to ensure an open Internet and continue 

As expected, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) passed new net neutrality regulations today on a vote of 3-2, with the Commission's two Democratic appointees joining Chairman Tom Wheeler in voting yes.

Net neutrality opponents argue that these regulations will hurt competition, make networks less profitable and discourage investment. Those who advocate for the FCC's new rules, however, say that Net neutrality will make the Internet more hospitable to

The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is poised to act on a “net neutrality” proposal that will put vital consumer and competitive protections back on the books to ensure an open Internet and continue