FCC Passes Strongest Net Neutrality Rules In America's History

The FCC's adoption of tough net neutrality rules today is an important milestone in the history of what's become the national medium. But it won't end the debate over how, and how much, the government should regulate the Internet. Indeed, it might 

In today's news, the FCC approved its net neutrality plan, a "digital brothel" lets people have sex through the internet and Pebble smashes its own crowdfunding records. Read about all the top stories in today's Daily Roundup.

During Thursday's vote, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler called the telecom industry's bluff over investment, saying that companies will continue to expand despite the new net neutrality rules. Plus, if Comcast wants to merge with Time Warner Cable, a megadeal 

Yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission voted to regulate access to the Internet as it would a public utility, under something called Title 2 of the Communications Act of 1934. Critics of the FCC say it's an old, dusty law meant to apply to

The FCC's adoption of tough net neutrality rules today is an important milestone in the history of what's become the national medium. But it won't end the debate over how, and how much, the government should regulate the Internet. Indeed, it might