FCC Approves Net Neutrality Proposal Saying It Just Starts Rule Making Process

It's game time, people. After months—some might say years—of contentious deliberation, the FCC is moving forward with a set of open internet rules that basically destroys net neutrality as we know it. But it doesn't have to be 

United States President Barack Obama's commitment to net neutrality is being questioned after the Federal Communications Commission officials appointed on his watch voted Thursday to advance a plan believed by many to 

Proponents of net neutrality, also known as the open internet, fear that allowing a fast lane on the web would hurt startups, nonprofits, activists, and anyone else who couldn't afford to pay the toll. Bigger tech companies such 

It's game time, people. After months—some might say years—of contentious deliberation, the FCC is moving forward with a set of open internet rules that basically destroys net neutrality as we know it. But it doesn't have to be 

“I will take a backseat to no one in my commitment to network neutrality,” Obama told a crowd at Google in 2008. “Because once providers start to privilege some applications or websites over others then the smaller voices get squeezed out and we all