Fair or outrageous? New Jersey teen sues her parents to pay up for college

A judge has ruled against Rachel Canning, the New Jersey teen who sued her parents to pay for her schooling. She will not receive any money from them. Canning, 18, had taken her parents to court after she left their home to 

Rachel Canning thought being an adult meant she could do whatever she wanted and somehow her parents were just going to foot the bill. As many actual adults know, this is hardly how reality works. Canning learned this 

A judge in Morristown has scheduled a hearing Tuesday in the lawsuit filed last week by Rachel Canning, who turned 18 in October. Canning's father, retired Lincoln Park police Chief Sean Canning, tells The Daily Record of Parsippany that his daughter 

It may very well be that New Jersey teen Rachel Canning is as spoiled and rebellious as she is being painted by the media. However, it may also turn out that Rachel's accusations against her parents are true. If this turns out 

Rachel Canning, the 18-year-old cheerleader dubbed an “incredibly rebellious teen” by her father, has turned her Twitter account private in the face of profanity-laden onslaughts by fellow tweeters who have deemed the high school honor student a