Facebook Lite strips the social network down for users in developing countries

Shortly after 12:10 a.m. ET, Facebook and Instagram went down, leaving millions of users around the world briefly unable to post selfies or humblebrag. Visitors were greeted with a message that said, "Sorry, something went wrong." For others, the page 

Overnight, reports circulated about Facebook and Instagram going dark. Now, Lizard Squad is claiming to have taken down a large handful of sites—albeit briefly. Reports suggest that Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, MySapce, AIM and Hipchat at the very

Users in various parts of the world were reporting that Facebook was down. People accessing Facebook's website received a message: Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we 

A technical cockup – rather than hostile hacker action – is apparently the reason Facebook, Instagram and other Web 2.0 sweethearts fell off the internet on Monday. Prankster hacking crew Lizard Squad was gloating over the downtime; Tinder also 

Facebook's business model of selling behavioral data and banner space to advertisers depends on sustained new user signups. Tackling any impediments to that growth is naturally a priority, so Facebook just released a stripped-down app called Facebook