Extra, Extra: The Danger Of Neil deGrasse Tyson Twitter Jokes

Cosmos star Neil deGrasse Tyson is known for defending climate science and the science of evolution. And now, in a video recently posted on YouTube (the actual date when it was recorded is unclear), he takes a strong 

This is what happens when you make a Twitter joke about Neil deGrasse Tyson and nobody gets that you're joking. Learn the story about the Beastie Boys single that never was. Here are the best head shops in Brooklyn. NYU: Tel Aviv is closing down for

Neil deGrasse Tyson, probably the most popular astrophysicist, if not scientist, of this generation, replaced Carl Sagan as the spokesman of all things science for the country. While not ignoring Bill Nye's impact on making 

Plus, host Neil deGrasse Tyson made one of the best academic-turned-TV-host transitions in recent memory. TheWrap had a quick chat with Tyson as he looked back on a successful TV season and forward to the upcoming awards one. TheWrap: What was 

Last week, we (and many others) posted a viral video (embedded below), in which Cosmos star Neil deGrasse Tyson is shown sounding off about genetically modified organisms. Tyson tells GMO critics to "chill out" because, as he explains, humans have