Extra, Extra: The Danger Of Neil deGrasse Tyson Twitter Jokes

August 8, 2014 in bursting blood vessels, calm down, celebrity sightings, getting angry, i'm so angry right now i could fart but it actually be a shit then i'll really be in a pickle!, making people angry, neil degrasse tyson, nerd rage, new york, NYC, 

Last week, we (and many others) posted a viral video (embedded below), in which Cosmos star Neil deGrasse Tyson is shown sounding off about genetically modified organisms. Tyson tells GMO critics to "chill out" because, as he explains, humans have 

Last week, we (and many others) posted a viral video (embedded below), in which Cosmos star Neil deGrasse Tyson is shown sounding off about genetically modified organisms. Tyson tells GMO critics to "chill out" because, 

Last week, we (and many others) posted a viral video (embedded below), in which Cosmos star Neil deGrasse Tyson is shown sounding off about genetically modified organisms. Tyson tells GMO critics to "chill out" because, 

"Once there was a world," host Neil deGrasse Tyson tells viewers, "not so very different from our own." We see footage of attractive seascapes and landscapes, which represent what Venus might have looked like during the first billion years of its