Experts, relatives ask: Where's the proof that MH370 fell into ocean?

Almost every big news story—the kind with legs that can stretch over several days–has three things in common: A beginning. An arc. And an ending.

(CNN) — Monday's announcement by Malaysia's Prime Minister acknowledging that missing Flight 370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean opens the door to a big question: How did new number crunching confirm the Boeing 777's path? Now we know for sure

Almost every big news story—the kind with legs that can stretch over several days–has three things in common: A beginning. An arc. And an ending.

Photo sent to 22News by Mark via Report It. NEW YORK (NBC News) – Australia's Maritime Safety Authority said search planes returned Sunday from scouring the seas for possible wreckage from the missing Malaysian plane without any significant sightings.

As the world continues to be puzzled and enthralled by the location and disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Courtney Love has weighed in with her theory of what happened to the plane that went missing on March